Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Wayback Machine

The Internet Archive Wayback Machine puts the history of the World Wide Web at your fingertips. The Archive contains over 100 terabytes and 10 billion web pages archived from 1996 to the present.

To start using the Wayback Machine to surf the web as it was, just type a URL (a web site address) into the box above, click the Take Me Back button, and start exploring the past.

A few years ago, when I started teaching Web Design I found a website called Webmonkey for Kids that had terrific HTML lessons and projects. I incorporated them into my classes using the actual website as my textbook and sending students there directly. To my dismay, last year, the site was suddenly gone and I hadn't saved or printed ONE page of it. I tried to write my own versions of the projects and make my own examples but they just weren't the same.

This September at an inservice workshop the Keynote Speaker told us about the Internet Archive. Every few months an organization saves the ENTIRE Internet AS IS to be accessed at anytime later. The entire idea of this is completely overwhelming to me... but I immediately went home and found my Webmonkey for Kids projects! This time... I'm going to save myself a copy just in case.

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